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Better recruiting decisions require a deeper understanding

Prevue assessments from Coensus take you beneath the surface of candidates, to help you see beyond the CV.

We offer a deeper understanding of the personality behind the well-coached, interview-ready candidate; the individual who will actually turn up for work on day one.

Prevue assessments identify the candidate who best fits your team, by comparing how they work, with how your team works.

Coensus HR

abilities assessment

See how well someone understands numbers, words, shapes and the relationships between them.
Coensus HR

motivation assessment

Identify the real motivation behind an individual’s desire to work and their likely longevity.
Coensus HR

personality assessment

Discover an individual’s personality and demonstrate how they might respond in a variety of situations.
We have been using Prevue Assessments for our Sales Operations and Sales Consultant recruitment, we have had 2 Assessments which have flagged that the candidates were not right for us, so this has saved a lot of time and cost in terms of recruitment fees – which is exactly what we wanted from the tool.
C.S. (a travel company)

What you need to consider when promoting from within

What you need to consider when promoting from within

Promoting staff from within is more than simply raising salaries, giving out new job titles, or loading on added responsibility. It’s about recognising potential, nurturing talent, and acknowledging areas for improvement. But whilst deciding to promote from an...

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No surprise employees like working from home

No surprise employees like working from home

Throughout the coronavirus crisis, we have heard anecdotal evidence that productivity rose, with those working from home avoiding the distractions of the office and the commute. The threat of a business failing while people adapted to a work from home lifestyle will...

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Coensus exhibiting at the In-House Recruitment Expo

Coensus exhibiting at the In-House Recruitment Expo

The In-House Recruitment Expo is taking place at the Olympia Conference Centre in West London on 18 &19 February and Coensus will be exhibiting on Stand 37. The event is designed for those In-House Recruitment leaders and teams responsible for finding, recruiting...

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Coensus is the authorised UK distributor for Prevue HR.
Read more about our relationship and the benefits of Prevue assessments here.